From Margaret's Essays
"There's something provocative about being invisible. Acting unseen can release us from the insecurities and social restraints that encourage us to live life tamely. Whether through role-play, quiet observation or imagining the world through someone else's lens, the power to disguise can give us a heart-pounding rush."
"Going Incognito"
Kinfolk issue nineteen
"And they didn't always get it right. They grounded us for innocent curfew breaks, pushed when we didn't want to talk about it, and snuck love notes into our lunches--in high school. We mercilessly chided them for such misnomers, and they worked to constantly refine as they went along. These missteps now glimmer with the cumulative brilliance of someone consistently giving their best effort."
"The Art of Winging It"
Kinfolk issue seventeen
"Regardless of whether you're a toiler or an idler, what you choose not to do with these hours can be just as important as what you choose to do. Omission is as important as permission. This interlude should have no agenda, no expectations and no one to answer to--and that includes not feeling guilty when you beer from your usual routine."
"The Solace of Sunday Night"
Kinfolk issue fifteen
"You start to find things in unusual places, like the horse figurine inside the empty French press or a raisin smashed onto the piano's middle C key. Others are inexplicably lost, like your Rolling Stone's Aftermath album, half of the soupspoons. A living room that remains perfectly tidy for more than 30 minutes becomes a fading memory. The balance between order and chaos is delicate, and entropy seems to always be lurking around the corner."
"The Kids Are All Right"
The Kinfolk Home
"In the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, architect David Kohn has created within a three-bedroom flat an elegantly playful homage to the equally traditional and cutting-edge city.
London-based David Kohn Architects is shortlisted for the UK Interior Architect of the Year Award, and this flat itself won Inside Festival’s World Interior of the Year Award. Not just for best residence--for best interior."
"The World Interior Champion" TUSK Journal
"Although your warm bed beckons you to climb back inside, starting your day before the day can leave you enlightened and ready to meet life's later requirements that rise with the sun. It's not a time to get ahead at work or skim your social media feed--those can wait, as can the laundry, the shopping list and the call to your mother.”
"Before The Day Starts"
Kinfolk issue fourteen
"We stand on the ideological shoulders of women who were in social and political trenches, and see the expanse before us. We no longer have to adapt to arbitrary systems – we can adapt the systems to us. But, we have the often-confusing task of sloughing off the dictatorial voice of society, of listening to our own inner voice and creating an authentic life plan and identity.”
"International Women's Day"
Darling Magazine
"What might seem to be eccentricity is actually fine-tuned discipline. Arbitrarily inviting everything into your life that appeals to you is just imprudent excess, like a good dinner party gone haywire because the host didn't bother revising the guest list. Without the guiding discrimination of our inner voices, our lives can be filled randomly with things that may be generally good, but not the best."
"The Essential Non-Essentials"
Kinfolk issue sixteen
"The Swedish Egna hem (meaning "own home") movement was the architectural process of creating small, standardized owner-occupied houses. Tenants had an affordable and scalable control over their own dwellings, which was essentially 1930s tract housing. The streamlined design offers modern dwellers both surprising functionality and an elegant yet unassuming style."
"Sweden's Egna Hem"
Houzz Inc.
"The slight stress that might arise as we drink coffee and scribble on butcher paper alongside colleagues can bring out our creativity. Coming up with good ideas on the fly can quiet the mind's executive functions and activate the frontal loves of the brain, lighting up an MRI in a pattern identical to a jazz trumpeter riffing or a rapper freestyling."
"The Why of the Storm"
Kinfolk issue eighteen
"Perhaps I'm alone in finding comfort that, at 72, Mary's creative life was about to open up like a magnolia--that she was free from today's pervading sense of urgency. In a capricious, impulsive moment while loitering, Mary picked up scissors and paper and snipped an exact imitation of the geranium in front of her. Mosaics, she called them at first. mployments. Amusements."
"Lady of Legacy: Mary Delany"
Darling Magazine
"You don't need to suddenly embrace disorder or scatter laundry throughout your dwelling to benefit from acquiring what poet John Keats called "negative capability." Improvisation is the experience of residing in the uncomfortable and thrilling space of uncertainty that makes us feel euphoric and slight light-headed. It lives within that fleeting moment when creativity wins out over tidy idleness.”
"The Art of Improvisation"
Kinfolk issue thirteen